wtorek, 27 grudnia 2016

More than Words , Words & Paintery and Berry 71 Bleu

Witajcie !

Swieta , Swieta i po Swietach . 
Troche ospala jestem ostatnimi czasy ale rodzinne sprawy pochlaniaja moj czas ostatnio.  
I tak rzutem na tasme na wyzwanie
More than Words.
Words & Paintery.
Berry 71 Bleu. 

We Polish people, where ever we are in the world /me and my family in USA/ , celebrate Christmas Eve as the most important day of Christmas. Christmas Eve is known as ‘Wigilia’. It’s tradition that no food is eaten until the first star is seen in the sky. On the table there are 12 dishes. The most important dish in my household are makielki. Everyone has to eat or at least try some of each dish. Carp is the main dish of the meal. On the Christmas Eve we open the presents. In most of the houses, before the presents are opened, the family sings carols together
Hand made embellishment - flower , frames, tag  etc....


piątek, 23 grudnia 2016

Z okazji Swiat Bozego Narodzenia


 Niech te swieta beda pelne wzajemnej milosci.
Niech Nowy 2017 Rok przyniesie nam pokoj 
i to czego potrzebujemy / nie koniecznie tego co chcemy/

wtorek, 6 grudnia 2016